Has crime against women increased due to migration?

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Has crime against women increased due to migration?

Violence against women by immigrants: an alarming trend?

The consequences of uncontrolled migration are drastic: violence against women by immigrants has not only increased subjectively - the official figures from the federal government show a drastic increase in these serious crimes. A query, the answer to which is available to MFRadio.de, shows that crimes against women by immigrants and foreigners have multiplied considerably since 2010.
Significant increase in sexual violence
Crimes against sexual self-determination have increased significantly:
  • Among immigrants, the number of cases increased by a factor of 3.5 – from 1,540 to 5,476 .
  • Among foreigners, an increase of a factor of 3.1 was recorded – from 5,149 to 16,157 .
More homicides by immigrants
Serious crimes against life, including murder and manslaughter, have also increased:
  • Among immigrants, these crimes increased by a factor of 2.6 – from 32 to 82 .
  • Among foreigners there was an increase by a factor of 1.4 – from 229 to 319 .
More assault offenses
Crimes against physical integrity, such as dangerous and serious bodily harm, have also increased significantly:
  • Among immigrants, there was an increase by a factor of 2.5 – from 8,018 to 20,286 .
  • For foreigners there was an increase by a factor of 1.8 – from 45,468 to 81,524 .
Threats and coercion have increased significantly
Crimes against personal freedom, including threats, coercion and stalking, have also increased massively:
  • In the case of immigrants, the number more than tripled by a factor of 3.1 – from 3,017 to 9,374 .
  • For foreigners, the number almost doubled by a factor of 1.9 – from 21,221 to 39,589 .
Who counts as “foreigners” and “immigrants”?
  • Foreigners: Persons without German citizenship.
  • Immigrants: Persons with the residence status “asylum seeker”, “person entitled to protection and asylum”, “tolerated stay” or “illegal residence”.
    • This categorization has existed in the police crime statistics (PKS) since 2018.
    • Between 2015 and 2017, it included “asylum seeker”, “tolerated”, “quota refugee/civil war refugee” or “illegal”.
    • Before 2015, there was no separate recording of immigrants in the PKS.
"Crimes could have been prevented"
AfD politician Stephan Brandner , who made the request, told MFRadio.de:
“Every single woman who has been the victim of a crime committed by illegal migrants since 2015 could have been protected – if the borders had been controlled and not kept open to criminals.”
Of course, there are also crimes committed by German perpetrators, but these were unavoidable. In contrast, crimes committed by people who are only staying in Germany as guests could easily be prevented.
"The protection of women cannot be guaranteed if the borders remain open and the judiciary does not act consistently. Our streets must not continue to become places of fear for women!"
Noticeable increase from 2015
The statistics show that the significant increase in crime coincides exactly with 2015 - the year in which the borders were opened. The figures confirm what many people have felt for years: an uncontrolled migration policy has a direct impact on the security of the population - especially on the security of women.
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